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5 Tips for Unlocking the Buy Box in 2024

No organization handling online sales wants to see their numbers begin to stagnate, but few companies take the time to invest the effort required to increase these numbers. Amazon is one of the primary sales channels for both B2C and B2B groups, meaning learning quick tips for unlocking the buy box on this website is crucial. Here’s everything you need to know in one place to bolster your Amazon sales like never before.

What is the Amazon Buy Box?

For those unfamiliar, the Amazon Buy Box (now called the Featured Offer) is a small window at the top right of a product detail page. This box appears above the Buy Now button and is an automated component that lifts certain products from sellers above the competition. Buy Box aims to help consumers find what they need and to compare alternatives based on factors like the product’s condition, shipping speed, and price. Getting your product into this Buy Box or Feature Offer category can cause a sharp uptick in sales.

How to Win the Amazon Buy Box: 5 Tips

Naturally, all businesses should want to see their product appearing in the Amazon Buy Box. However, there is very little space and so many products. Businesses must ensure every listing they post for their product is enhanced to increase the likelihood that it will appear in the Buy Box. This can be done with the following five quick tips:

1. Competitive Pricing

First and foremost, to have your listing appear as a featured product related to what a user is currently viewing, it’s crucial to price your item competitively. If similar products are priced far lower than your current pricing, it may be worth adjusting your pricing if feasible.

2. List Your Products as a Prime Seller

Another quick way to help increase the odds of getting your listing into the Buy Box is to list products as a Prime Seller. This program means you can display the Prime packaging on your boxes and ship them from your own warehouse, thus taking advantage of the quicker shipping times Prime offers.

3. Shipping Time

In the event you don’t sign up to list your product as a Prime Seller, consider shrinking the shipping time you offer. If other products in your category have two-to-three-day shipping, yet yours will take one week, it’s less likely to be shown in the Buy Box. Try to have as fast and as cheap of shipping as possible on your products.

4. Maintain Stock Levels

Lack of ample stock is a quick way to ruin your chances of getting into the Amazon Buy Box. By always keeping your items in stock, Amazon will trust that you will have products on hand to deliver to customers and will, therefore, be more likely to add your listing to the Buy Box.

5. Maintain a High Seller Rating

Finally, while it may be obvious, having a high seller rating is a great way to bolster your chances of getting into the Buy Box. After all, if your business only has one star on Amazon and a slew of bad reviews, why should Amazon add your future listings to the Buy Box? Make sure your seller rating is always high to increase the likelihood of getting added to the Buy Box.

Bolster Your Amazon Sales Right Away

Nothing is more frustrating than posting a product listing only for it to get no activity; however, this often happens to those that don’t invest time in optimizing their listings. By learning how to craft an effective listing for your products, you can increase your chances of getting put in the Amazon Buy Box, bolstering your total sales.

Need help optimizing your product listings and your Amazon storefront? Turn to the professionals at Evolved Commerce! We are a leading Amazon agency with SEO specialists ready to help your products climb the rankings. Contact us today for an audit of your storefront!

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Let’s Evolve Your Amazon Business Today!

Whether you have a new product you want to launch or you’re an established brand with thousands of products, we can help. Evolved Commerce is a team of results-oriented Amazon growth experts committed to increasing sales for businesses, both big and small. Our growth strategies will help your company beat the competition and bring your products to a wider audience. Amazon is an ever changing marketplace, but we can help you build your brand and improve your conversion rates.

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